This year's theme is Family so here is our challenge:
What does family mean to you?
Think about the question, your answer, & create a layout using it. Simple, right?
Well... you're not getting off that easy....
Your Answer has to be in the Title of your layout.
Somewhere on your layout have either the question written out "What does family mean to me?" or you may also use "Family = (your answer)"
Somewhere on my page I have the question written out "What does family mean to me?" My title is "Drama"
So I've used the question and answered it. My answer is my title.
So then I make my layout about a moment when that particular word comes in, when something happened that I had to deal with Drama with my family (who doesn't have family drama... lol)
Photos are optional since there may not be a particular moment for it or you didn't want to take a photo while dealing with something such as Drama
That's not all!
- Use at least 2 different alphas for your title
- Use at least 3 pattern papers
- Use at least 3 solid papers
- Use at least 2 different fonts in your journaling
- Make a list of the reasons why you answered with that word (your title)
Let us know in your credits which of the two options you chose to use.Example using same answer as above: Drama
1. Disagreements
2. Opening mouth...insert foot (what family member doesn't say something they shouldn't have said?..haha)
3. .... and so on
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